“Maybe you are searching in the branches for what appears in the roots
Prior to private practice, I trained and worked at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland. As the clinical director of the Behavioral Response Team, my work was to complete crisis assessments and help stabilize the most acute patients in in the hospital, train mental health clinicians on crisis assessments, and provide consultation to the medical teams regarding patients experiences overwhelming trauma, adjustment, or somatic complaints. I received exceptional training in neurobiology, mind/body disorders, and trauma related symptoms. In addition to working with children, adolescents, and their families, I found myself drawn to working with medical providers. Recognizing that the medical provider's relationship deeply impacted a patient's experience of their illness (and recovery), I came to appreciate the complex nature of working in a hospital.
I maintain my medical staff privileges at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland where I co-chair the Medical Staff Wellbeing Committee and co-facilitate Schwartz Center Rounds. I am committed to providing consultation, assessments, and ongoing support to physicians and other medical providers, so that they explore their professional boundaries, the challenges with developing sustainable and health patterns in relationship, and identifying coping strategies so they may enjoy their vocation as well as the life outside of their medical practice.
I am a native Californian, graduating from Dominican University in Politics, and then completing my MA and Doctorate at John F. Kennedy University. My areas of interest are resiliency, strength based treatment, the storage of trauma in the body, the intersection of cultures, and helping individuals find a life balance.
When I am not seeing clients, completing research, or teaching, I enjoy spending time with my husband, son, and dog. I practice yoga, go for bicycle rides with my family, read every chance I get, and take every opportunity to enjoy the Northern California outdoors.